According to a Headstream survey, consumers who like a brand’s origin story are 55% more inclined to purchase it. Engaging through sharing the business’s story allows customers to remember you and help you thrive with their emotional touch. Here are the three aspects you can get motivated with.

The Emotional Link
Emotional link is one of the main aspects of storytelling since it helps highly in brand marketing. Your audience may relate to your brand personally through a well-written tale, which fosters a sense of community and loyalty.

Example: Consider the popularity of companies like Nike, which inspires people to “just do it” through storytelling, or Coca-Cola, which promotes happiness and camaraderie through its wonderful holiday advertising campaigns.

Being Different in a Competitive Market
In the highly competitive marketplace of today, it is difficult to stand out. However, storytelling offers a special chance for your company to set itself out from rivals.

Example: Consider the outdoor apparel steadfast Patagonia as an illustration. It has effectively established itself as a company with a strong commitment to ethics and the environment. Their story puts a lot of emphasis on their commitment to ecological as well as ethical behavior, which attracts customers who share those values.

Shareability and Memorability
Stories are more memorable than boring data and facts. When you tell a compelling story, your audience will remember your brand better, helping you create a memorable brand image. This shareability results from this memorability. Stories that resonate with people automatically compel them to share them.

Example: A great example of a brand of storytelling that not only touched people’s emotions but also went viral is Dove’s “Real Beauty” ad. Dove’s advertisement demonstrated the need for a shared story by promoting self-esteem, featuring real women, and sparking a lot of debate.